A Parenting Lesson from My Dad
I first posted this in February 2020 and am reposting it today in honor of my dad. He is no longer here, but his love and the lessons he...
A Parenting Lesson from My Dad
Managing Clashing Sensory Needs in Neurodiverse Families
You're so sensitive!
I wrote a book!
Meet your kids where they are
Enough about the apple; Let's talk about the tree!
Do I tell my child about their diagnosis?
A Parenting Lesson from My Dad
PDA: Not what you think it is!
Is the ADOS-2 Really the "Gold Standard"?
The Less Obvious Presentations of Autism
Orthographic/Surface Dyslexia: Another Form of Context Blindness?
© 2020 by Donna Henderson, Psy.D.